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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Worse Verses

In the winter of Miami ‘Silly’ and ‘Sloppy’ met each other,
Rejection from their writer had made them grief brothers
They once dreamt of being in the love memos of the Royals
But as god would have it, they were reduced to mere soil
Dejected verses they were,
Both from the quill of Hugo the Knight Ser
The writer had discarded Silly and Sloppy for the better ones
For it was the first memo of the spur of love to the lady from the knight
All eyes were on the letter, none bothered about Silly and Sloppy’s plight...
Soon the pigeon Odball would carry the letter to the Lady’s realm
And the Lady shall be drenched in the Night’s Affectionate Whelm...
But who could save Odball from the omen in the air,
On its way, it was shot by the dreaded bird hunter called the draconian slayer
Thus for the knight, the winter of Miami ended in despair
The letter never reached the lady’s window even after his prayers
But with fading winter came rising spring
Silly and Sloppy got carried in the Upswing
On their way, they saw empires they had never seen
The dancing breeze took them to lands lush green
As Silly and Sloppy recall, they were stationed on the edge of a windowpane
When a beautiful young woman took them by her side
Shredded the dust off as she eyed,
Seeing her name on it she sighed...
The lady couldn’t help her joyful tears...
For she now knew, even the knight loves her and cares
Right then she summoned the Knight
The knight looks at Silly and Sloppy with an astonished eye
To his surprise, what never made it to the Lady was the adorned letter he wrote
Instead it was Silly and Sloppy, his half unfinished notes...
But they still were odes of confession
The first words on the scroll, the first words of expression
Silly and Sloppy had achieved what they were written for
They are memoirs of beginning; they shall now be kept safe in the Castle’s Drawer.

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