In the dream ,you saw him on a horse…and you as the queen….
For boys…vice-versa was the scene…
But eventually the groom went to another Bride….
Or if you are a boy….the girl took a better guy’s side….
And hence follows the grief of LOVE –ONE SIDED….
Feelings which follow….cant be guided…
I start with what I felt about it…..
I am sure…you too will nod at its every bit…
“When your biggest wish is their glance….
When life itself is no less than a trance….!!
When tears wet your pillow…as you try to sleep…
When you need solitary moments to weep….
Although publically you say….Its A Gone Phase…
Still their one look…gifts you a moment of blaze….
You say ::They aren’t that special…aren’t that nice….::
FORGET YOU MISSION …for them….you have tried more than thrice….!!!!
To distract yourself….ALAS…!!!...you try new ways….
But deep inside….::I WILL WAIT::your heart still says….::::….”
That’s all I know about first shock as a teen…..
Though for a TWO-SIDE-SHOCK…I am still too keen…!!!!!!

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