With forehead tensed and a great jostle within...
I took a turn from the monotonous boulevard
Brought the revved thought of my ‘grocery buying task’ to a halt…
Glanced at the known edifice’s grand out door…
With an erratic thrill, I tried to unlatch its door…
It opened with a screeching sound…
A step in, and I witnessed a void hall around…
The dusty vacant chairs…
No judging, hopeful stares…
The curtains roughly tied at the extremes…
Lifeless, the whole aura seemed…
Thought of tracing back the steps to the door…
A rewind and m back to buy stuff from the grocery store…
But something holds me still…
And why would it not…
For myriad, I had known this place…
On this marbled stage...I had made my trace…
Sometimes acted as an object…
Sometimes a side role…
Sometimes the cry lady…
Sometimes the dumb humorous brat…
Sometimes the on-stage lead…
Sometimes the off-stage show stealer…
Sometimes the first in the curtain call…
Sometimes backstage… heading the ‘right moment’ curtain fall…
But ‘not a thing’ ventures into this world for time infinite…
Progressed the years…and hence the grand ‘LIFE’ arena took over this elfin stage…
Not with wrath…but with a ‘thread of devotion’ I left this place…
I clasped my wings
But bind to the theatre was a connected string…
I knew the love for theatre was forever to stay…
But I ‘dared to test the new waters’ which my life wishes to present in its audacious way…
And today…when am through with all the challenges that time had wrapped…
I hold that string that leads me here…
And yet again I climb up this elfin stage of theatre…
Because, it is, in here…
My ‘first love’ stays…
I loved this farce…this is theatre…this was my life…
With an enticing smile…carefully I shut the door…
Revved the engine…
And with ‘self jostle’ no more…
I left…back into that boulevard…
But unlike the preceding time…
I was blissful …
More than contended…
The same Stage had enlivened me YET again…
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