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Wednesday, August 11, 2010



With a white scarf tied around her chin…
And the milk teeth adorning her grin…
With a little black dot on her forehead, adding the grace…
Her oversized shoes, on the muddy path, marked their trace…
Although she was unaware of the basic concise…
But she very well knew…when and when not disclosing to mom would be wise…
She ran with her head rattling around…
Her penguin walk, in the laced shoes made me astound…
The most awaited juncture turned up each day……
When the school bell rang…and ‘no more to stay’
She ran back home alone, crossing shops and  crowds...…
Sometimes lost in her rhyme to run, she would bump into stouts…
Hence fall back and gain her senses again...
Never did she miss to bid goodbye even to the goods train…
Trotting the side walk, drenched in the heat...
A pair of sparkling bellies paused her feet…
 Her eyes were locked, and hands struck at the window pane...
But soon she realized that her wish went in vain….
As she knew, the earthy odour of toil, her ‘abba’ did...
She could not ask for more than it…
So she changed her path, kept her eyes down…
Sometimes irritated, she would frown…
Mysterious silence held her speech…
It was in her oblivious sleep, that the muteness was breached…     
She murmured in her sleep, while dreaming of those bellies lying amidst of all shoes...
And that’s when her parents had picked the clues…
Clues about her gloomy eyes….
And hence for her happiness, smaller seemed the price…
And what followed was an essence of ‘PARENT-CHILD LOVE’ closely embraced…
All done, for, love had won the race…
And hence a brand new pair of bellies…awaited her as she knotted her scarf around her chin…
Thrilled at the surprise. She regained her milk teeth grin…
As a silent observer, I cherish the kiddie’s brilliance…
True, ECSTACY lies in innocence…
And, shall always will…..  :)

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