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Wednesday, August 11, 2010


        Sometimes its really hard to always learn from the moral of the story, from the felt tales of grandma, the experiences of your very close friends..
The ‘ought to’ statements are sometimes too tough to handle…
Sometimes its fun to fall from the stumbling blocks paved in the way…unmindful of the people around screaming hard “be careful…put your eyes on track”
There is a different fun in the imperfection…
Not because it’s an escape from idealism but just because an imperfection performed always has long lasting  effects than imperfection heard…
Sometimes its fun in jumping in the waters unmindful of “do I know how to swim ? ”
Just a little care that the sea is shallow enough for your survival…
Many have learnt to swim from the fear of drowning…
Or u may atleast apply brains to reach the closest end..
Its anyway a ‘gain case’
What I simply mean is that sometimes maverick thoughts should be given priority…
I know, till now…the title and the content don’t go together…its now…that I would show u …how they perfectly do…
The title stands for the “CRUSH CHARM  EFFECT…
The very innovative CC effect…J

College has many things to offer…it depends on what we stretch our hands out for…
But somethings are a default case…they have to happen…what tops the default cases are our crush lists…
If  dat phrase does not go  for u…I make a correction…
Sometimes I felt for someone’s mysterious silence…someone’s resistance…someone’s talent…
But I tell u…this is the biggest illustration of deception…
And m pretty clear about it…(but the  king of logics take a back seat when the queen of heart enters…she enthralls everyone…)
Experiences of great lovers announce that “don’t get into that unreachable sea…it has no shore…”
But as an enthusiastic traveler I jumped…and what follows are the spicy consequences…
Its like ,for their one word u have  thousand interpretations but my own experience of falling from the stumbling block says…’pick out the least disturbing’ …it really helps…
Their hand shake might bring you goose bumps…
Stay in senses…believe me it was really just a hand shake…
They look into your eyes…u feel …there must be something…but why do we eliminate the possibility that when u talk to someone…don’t u look into their eyes…??
Ofcourse u do…so why take their stare the other way…
BEWARE…before the giggles for your crush  turns out to be a one sided love…!!!

That’s all I could learn from my  drowning in the deceptive sea…and I guess I have learnt ,if not to swim, but atleast to reach the shore…
And (Top Secret--that was fun…J..)

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