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Wednesday, August 11, 2010



You don’t have to teach children to react to a pleasant thing…they would clap…they would have a broad toothless smile along and the best part is they are completely honest with it. You know why?? Because Admiring is human nature…..it’s a genuine human response … but as we grow old, admiring isn’t at all a task of ease…so let’s unwrap the ways to appreciate…let’s ‘Unlearn’ the ways of diplomatic, manipulative praise. To start with, I would say, while appreciating …u need to be  a little restrained in your words…praise …but let it be more in your actions then in your words…sometimes a standing ovation…closed eyes for a lapse little more than a blink jelled with a smile (not laugh…!!!) says it all.. By this, I don’t mean, zip up your tongue…what I mean is …let your praise be valued.  Sometimes the performer asking for your compliment about his rendition may be your best friend…may be someone whom you have seen slogging through day in and day out…but let these aspects not intervene when you describe their grandeur or their flaws…you must appreciate their effort but contemplate before you utter words of praise for their task…because being lavishly praised yourself or to accolade others unduly both are harmful to the grantor and the taker.
The brief is let your words of praise be contemplated. Constricted…and concise. Praise is always lovely to hear...so gift it to someone truly worthy of it .Its a certificate to the fact that  their efforts have paid. Remember, a fake praise will render them  sorrow anyway. Second point of concern in my regard is… the choice to follow what you appreciate…
it’s entirely yours….the ambiguity lies when admiring gets replaced by imitating… According to the noblest of the scriptures…imitating is the worst method to accomplish wisdom and hence when aping gets inn, Morality starts walking towards the exit. Because morality is finding out the black and white. When you ape…u basically shut your eyes and follow…so the mantra is …view with open eyes…praise more with gestures of gratitude rather than words ….

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