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Monday, February 21, 2011


                       "MY  SPHERE"
sometimes the image formed in the mind ain't the replica of what the eyes see..MIND is an excellent tracker of events.'THE LATEST' is updated as soon as it happens.Not just this,it is an expert at analogy...diving from one strand of thought to the next bunch.As a paradigm-You glance at a familiar tree,say,and you go down the memory lane of your school days which had such trees in the vicinity...and all this happens in a snap..you don't even realize the invisible wall between the two time zones..the analogy is so  quick and so 'by itself'...it impeccably picks up the right link from the bunch of thought clouds floating around...ALL this is tracked out so beautifully from the reach of the conscious...the conscious will be left boggled by this natural process,turning it rhetoric..some things are better when hidden from the conscious.If this whole process happens naturally and is n't manouvered,it surprisingly opens logical answers to some of the most wondered questions..what follows this,is a brief of what happened when i tried tracking the analogy of mind-
As i scribble this note in my re-read drafts,i am sitting in a bus to one of the beautiful cities of punjab.After a logjam of vehicles at every crossing and our bus being an un-escapable prey to it..luckily(i say luckily beacuse there is a different pleasure in hearing the beats of music after the thump of blarring horns..,my mind likes sudden contrasts..).the snaked road takes us to yards of greenery..it is 5 p.m  and per chance i sit to the west to witness the sunset which of course is 'no new view' but somehow triggers the answers to my well laid questions..
i begin with admirining the innate delight of the lush green view,,then i slowly look ahead to the yellow maze visibly merely as dots from such a stretch,then to the shrunk cloud of smoke from the brick furnace,then to the hazy sheet of smoke and fog which covers the trees and i merely see them as dwarf saplings,ofcourse the towers and the sagging wires came into the scene too but i ignore them..i realize that if i am the centre, i can only see the sphere of radius "from me till the dwarfed tree.."and each moment this sphere changes as i move..it influences me,my decisions..the size of the sphere makes me feel that my space is limited..so should be my dreams and wants..but the fact that the sphere is rolling increses my stage...my audience and my resources.
 in simpler words,i somehow like this 'sphere view comfort' that emboldens me sometimes to just have a peaceful sleep with the knowledge that the sphere isn't that big and i can sure make my mark in this one sphere of the big world..
As i toss the coin to see the other side.."the rolling sphere view"..i let my joined eye lashes seaprate out as i bring myself out from the comforting sleep to see the world again..apparently the view around is just the same when i wake up ,but i see the sphere is moving and it requires sincerity and toil to get through..the two phenomenas work so perfectly givign space to each other when required by the conscious..if the stagnant sphere brings in perseverance ,the rolling sphere brings in passion..the unconscious selects the phenomena and the conscious needs to juice out only 'the moral' and move through both and get going through each..as a snail or a tiger..that choice i leave to the conscious..
This was the answer to one of my wondered questions...
HE is indeed a perfect engineer of the human mind...:)

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