" Life..."
Life is nothing more than the press of PLAY and STOP...
PLAY and your part begins...lots and lots happens in between this 'play' and 'stop'
the twists, turns,monotony,excitement,infatuation,love,relief,anxiety,pain,tears,laughs...
but then....
does not really sound very strange to hear all this...this is ONE TRUTH that we subconciously know ...but amidst the daily clanking of life we become oblivious to this fact...
and this strangeness hits in the face when we lose a closed one...someone we had talked with..
stayed with...laughed with...cried with..had cracked jokes on...had been laughed at by...
All comes to stop.........FULL STOP....
Places,people,things,expressions remind us of this lost somebody in every way possible...
THE TRUTH IS they aren't anymore in physical form...but may be if HE takes inn something...he does give back something for sure..and that is----
memories to be cherished..to let go the pain through tears as you flip the pages of the gone-by's life...
The memories may haunt you or make you realise again that this is the LAW of nature and shall go on....without A FULLSTOP...
the void can't be filled...infact should not be filled..that is all because of the love u shared with them...
but try making the void graceful...with tears of gratitude...tears of love ...
not with pain...